Traditional VCs

Help build companies that matter.
TQ Ventures
TQ Ventures
Backing inspiring founders building the future.
Skyfall Ventures
Skyfall Ventures
Back ambitious technology companies.
Echelon Capital
Echelon Capital
$100B Markets Data-Enabled Business Models.
Kleiner Perkins
Kleiner Perkins
Partner with intrepid founders to build iconic companies that made history.
IGNIA Partners
IGNIA Partners
Solving problems faced by the emerging middle class in Latin America.
Pioneering Founder-First Corporate Venture Capital.
GS Futures
GS Futures
Early-stage, strategic investments in the retail, sustainability, and energy sectors.
Founded by former CEO of NHN Japan, the forerunner of LINE.
Kakao Ventures
Kakao Ventures
Fix things through persistence and commitment.
Centana Growth Partners
Centana Growth Partners
Investing in the future of financial services.
Strong Entrepreneurial Spirit.
Zinal Growth
Zinal Growth
Global tech-focused investment firm.
Graph Ventures
Graph Ventures
Early-stage fund for founders, by founders.
Focus on growth equity and venture capital investments in the UK.
Sky Ocean Ventures
Sky Ocean Ventures
Accelerating ideas to solve the ocean plastic crisis.
Intudo Ventures
Intudo Ventures
“Indonesia-only” venture capital firm.
BHP Ventures
BHP Ventures
BHP's internal venture capital unit.
Salesforce Ventures
Salesforce Ventures
Invest in the next generation of enterprise technology.
The Westly Group
The Westly Group
Invest in companies changing the world.
Rosemoor Capital
Rosemoor Capital
Investing in FinTech and payment companies.
Tekne Capital
Tekne Capital
Investing in the future of technology across the world.
Thirtyfive Ventures
Thirtyfive Ventures
Founded by basketball star Kevin Durant.
Factorial Ventures
Factorial Ventures
Partnering with legacy focused business owners to continue their story.

Expanding Ecosystems

With over 70+ ecosystems actively growing, they are equally deserving of your attention.