ZEROBASE is a real-time ZK prover network designed for speed, decentralization, and regulatory compliance. It generates ZK proofs within hundreds of milliseconds and ensures decentralized, fast consensus through its HUB ring-wake mechanism, enabling large-scale commercial use. We offer free circuit development services and commercial licenses, including zkLogin, zkDarkPool, and zkVote systems, which require ZEROBASE provers for optimal performance. We also undertake general commercial circuit development. ZEROBASE's standard circuit integration takes one week, while custom circuit development takes only 2-3 weeks. Agile development and fast iteration are achieved through proof conversion using Circom and Gnark, with an optional decryptable circuit framework for compliance. With a core team of three years and partnerships with top institutions, ZEROBASE delivers high-quality circuit development and proof generation services. ZEROBASE is open to collaborating with any ZK verifier, provided that proof verification time does not exceed 200ms.

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