New standard of interoperability.
XSwap is the pioneering cross-chain ecosystem powered by Chainlink CCIP. XSwap's integration with Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol introduces a new age in DeFi, where boundaries between blockchains become more permeable, and users enjoy unparalleled ease in liquidity transfers. As the first project to embark on this journey with Chainlink, XSwap does not simply follow trends, it sets them.
KAPO Capital.
Ash Crypto
Crypto trader since 2014.
If i throw a dog a bone, i dont wanna know if it tastes good or not!
Lark Davis
Entrepreneur & Bitcoin investor.
Satoshi Stacker
Crypto Investor & analyst.
Zephyrus Capital
Venture Capital incorporated to help and boost the growth of Blockchain Startups.