Web3 is Going Just Great

Web3 is Going Just Great is a project to track some examples of how things in the blockchains/crypto/web3 technology space aren't actually going as well as its proponents might like you to believe. The timeline tracks events in cryptocurrency and blockchain-based technologies, dating back to the beginning of 2021. This is a personal project of mine, and reflects my own opinions. If you are looking for an unbiased descriptor of web3 and related technologies, there are short ones in the Glossary, but that is not the goal of this site. I would recommend Wikipedia for that (and if the pages there are lacking, I would strongly encourage you to contribute to them!) If you would like to see a version of this website that takes a different approach or covers a different topic, this is all open-source, so please feel free to fork the code and make your own!

Expanding Ecosystems

With over 70+ ecosystems actively growing, they are equally deserving of your attention.