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Aegis Ventures
Aegis Ventures
Running mate for your big step.
01 Capital
01 Capital
Digital asset management & investments in blockchain and crypto assets.
42 Fund
42 Fund
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.
Carbon Block Ventures
Carbon Block Ventures
Private Blockchain Investment Fund Specializing in Early Stage.
Seed accelerator to provide startups.
Digital Currency Holdings
Digital Currency Holdings
Believe the Internet will become the largest financial market.
Global Brain
Global Brain
Invest with speed and transparency.
Genblock Capital
Genblock Capital
Exclusively invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
Arrington Capital
Arrington Capital
Digital asset management firm in blockchain markets.
Leverage years of experience in digital asset space and blockchain projects.
Draper Dragon
Draper Dragon
DFJ Dragon Fund.
XSQ Capital
XSQ Capital
We’ve been expecting you.

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