The DeFi Treasury For Liquidity Pool Tokens.
Unlock Liquidity from AMM Pools! Unbound is building the derivative layer of AMM's with First-Ever Debt-Free Liquidity Provision System. The Unbound Protocol charges no Interest and it's Liquidation Free. The Unbound Factory smart contract supports Uniswap, Balancer, Mooniswap, Bancor, Curve.fi etc.
Extra Watts
We strive to contribute a few extra watts to the secure, immutable, and decentralized internet.
TK Ventures
Invest in relationships, not deals.
SL2 Capital
Redefining Web 3.0 Venture.
Brilliance Ventures
Investing in core technology in growth stages.
Woodstock Fund
Multi Asset Investment Fund.
Spark the internet’s next paradigm shift.