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Alpha Protocol Ventures
Alpha Protocol Ventures
Empowering Tomorrow’s Founders: Supporting blockchain adoption, one startup at a time.
Faculty Group
Faculty Group
Provide a range of bespoke solutions to digital asset companies.
Kyros Ventures
Kyros Ventures
Blockchain-focused ventures and incubator.
Moonrock Capital
Moonrock Capital
Turning ideas into reality through execution and network.
Vendetta Capital
Vendetta Capital
Invest in, leads and helps projects.
ZBS Capital
ZBS Capital
Money values nothing. Smart Money builds the world!
White Palm Capital
White Palm Capital
Private Fund investing in Web3 & Blockchain Startups.
Bringing Decentralised Technologies To The Global Economy.
NGC Ventures
NGC Ventures
Co-founded by former NEO Council guys and financial market veterans.
Signum Capital
Signum Capital
Exclusively consult in Blockchain-enabled companies.
Astronaut Capital
Astronaut Capital
Put your crypto investing on autopilot.
OPW Ventures
OPW Ventures
Information and Resources for VCs and Startups.

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