Petaverse Network

Pet-based games have had a long history of success, from Petz and Tamagotchi in the 90s to Nintendogs more recently. Gamers have flocked in their millions to nurture virtual pets. However, these pets have historically not held real value. The “owners” of these pets never truly owned them and so there was no secondary market (barring some rare physical Tamagotchis); these pets bore only expenditure for transitory entertainment and no material value. Furthermore owners could not be sure that their pet would survive beyond the software (and server) support provided by an individual games studio. Susan, Lee, and the team at Petaverse Network bring decades of game development experience: co-founding 2K games (Bioshock, Borderlands, X-Com, Civilization), working at Rockstar (GTA), and more recently pushing the boundaries of mobile AR games with Wallace & Gromit and Doctor Who IP. Now, they are on a mission to build an interactive and engaging pet universe. Petaverse Network are creating an Open Standard for pets with true digital ownership enabled by blockchains. Each pet’s characteristics and behaviour will be determined by their underlying, unique, DNA, which, as a web3 native game, will be stored on-chain. These pets can be transported across the metaverse; accessible on other chains and within other games. These games are able to take this data and represent it as they wish — your same pet will be with you, but it’s look can be modified to fit the environment it is currently in. Their evident prowess in applying AR technologies to gaming will enable them to develop compelling AR games where players are able to feed, play, and train their unique, personalised pets (starting with cats). Training can change a pet’s characteristics, making our virtual companions as malleable and fickle as those in our off-chain lives!

Expanding Ecosystems

With over 70+ ecosystems actively growing, they are equally deserving of your attention.