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Systemic Ventures
Systemic Ventures
Your seat at the quant venture table, turning data into actionable insight.
Theory Forge VC
Theory Forge VC
Investing in ambitious founders who are changing the world with AI.
Untapped Capital
Untapped Capital
Your friendly neighborhood VC firm.
Deepwater Asset Management
Deepwater Asset Management
Investors focused on persistent growth in public and private markets.
Erin Koen
Erin Koen
Governance Lead at Uniswap.
Collective artificial intelligence—a DAO for AI.
Venture Catalysts.
Devin Walsh
Devin Walsh
Chief of Staff to the COO at Uniswap Labs.
Asia-based blockchain advisory and investment firm.
Kenneth Ng
Kenneth Ng
Applied research at Uniswap Foundation.
Boost VC
Boost VC
The #1 Virtual Reality and #1 Blockchain accelerator.
Coinbase Ventures
Coinbase Ventures
Empowering The Open Financial System.

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