Parker Jay-Pachirat

Parker Jay-Pachirat is an Associate and Head of Community at FinTech Collective, and a member of the firm’s DeFi team. Prior to joining FinTech Collective, Parker was Chief of Staff of Fintech Today (acquired by WorkWeek), where she helped scale the company from inception to exit and launched the company’s first spin-off arm solely dedicated to crypto. Parker's early career was spent working in product and strategy for several early-stage tech startups. There, she developed and launched strategic initiatives to increase stickiness, drive growth, and foster brand awareness. In college, Parker served as Director of the Blythe Fund, managing the university’s endowed investment portfolio. She also worked as an intern for Unovis Asset Management and Impulsum VC. In secondary school, Parker co-founded Lucca Magazine, a virtual lifestyle magazine catering to global creators. Today, Parker is also a Founding Member of Boys Club, a social collective and DAO shaping the future of culture in crypto.

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