Parachain Ventures
Parachain Ventures was founded in 2021 by the same team behind the popular analytics site CEO Freddie Matias is a passionate and long-time crypto enthusiast, and the VC firm has many years of combined experience in the blockchain space. Since its inception, it has shown rapid growth and continues to increase its foothold in the DeFi sector by focusing investment in prospective blockchain and Web3.0 technologies. Parachain Ventures consistently invests in high-class and innovative projects from across the globe that show the potential to make an impact in the blockchain world. In such regard, the VC firm has been attracting attention thanks to its unparalleled research and business development. Its solid expertise is helping to ensure the steady growth of projects it has chosen to invest in, from Layer 2 Solutions to GameFi. Worth noting, Parachain Ventures is entirely self-funded by its founders. As such, the firm remains principled and invests only in those projects that it firmly backs and has confidence in.