Roger Jie Luo

Dr. Roger Jie Luo is an engineer, entrepreneur, startup advisor and angel investor. He is currently building an automation startup with a few amazing co-founders. He is also actively helping other startups, and provide consulting services on topics related to his expertises. He was an engineer & researcher at Snapchat, where he led the R&D efforts of multiple recommendation, discovery, search and data products. Before Snapchat, he was a senior researcher at Yahoo! Labs, Silicon Valley. At Yahoo!, he led the efforts to improve the understanding of users’ intents given a query using machine learning techniques and improve the ranking of aggregated search results (web, news, movies, local, shopping etc.) on the Yahoo! search result page. He study Artificial Intelligence, and his main interests are machine learning, data mining, data science, web search, recommendation system, information retrieval, computer vision, natural language process, multimedia information process, artificial perception and robotics. He would like to apply these techniques in real life problems. Beside busy with building intelligent products, he has published over 30 papers in top AI conferences and journals such as NIPS, ICML, ICCV, CVPR, JMLR, KDD, WWW, SIGIR, WSDM, CIKM, and served as conference/workshop organizers, program committee members of top AI conferences of different application areas. He obtained my PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, and I worked at Idiap Research Institute as a research assistant.

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