Hedera Hashgraph
The Trust Layer of the Internet.
Hedera Hashgraph platform provides a new form of distributed consensus; a way for people who don't know or trust each other to securely collaborate and transact online without the need for a trusted intermediary. The platform is lightning fast, secure, and fair, and, unlike some blockchain-based platforms, doesn’t require compute-heavy proof-of-work. Hedera enables and empowers developers to build an entirely new class of distributed applications that were never before possible.
HBAR Foundation
You create, we empower.
Unanimous Capital
Early-stage investments while opportunistically participating in later stages.
Evan Luthra
Conceptualize, Innovate and then work on Executing world-changing ideas.
Varys Capital
Well Engineered Digital Asset Investment Strategies.
OnBlock Ventures
The Leading Crypto VC in the Southeast Asia.
A pure play in distributed ledger technologies and the new digital economy.