Haust Network

Haust Network is the EVM-compatible network with native yield for your crypto assets. Our vision is a future Web3 where ubiquitous participation in globalized DeFi protocols is realized. This future prioritizes the secure and dependable operation of these protocols, ensuring user convenience and streamlined interactions, all while facilitating user profitability and minimal network fees. We strive to be the pioneering network to deliver this paradigm shift. Haust Network is an Application Absolute Liquidity Layer 2 EVM-based Network, with native yield for your crypto assets. Haust introduces a new paradigm within the blockchain ecosystem by integrating native yield generation functionality directly into the protocol. This enables automatic compounding of user balances over time. The yield generation process leverages a permissionless, programmatic approach by interacting with various liquid staking protocols deployed across supported blockchain networks. These decentralized protocols employ smart contracts to facilitate staking of various crypto assets in a secure and transparent manner. The returns accrued by these protocols are automatically distributed back to Haust users at predetermined intervals. Notably, the Haust protocol is architected to ensure a consistently positive interest rate, even for stablecoin deposits, through a combination of sophisticated algorithmic mechanisms and strategic reserve allocation strategies.

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