Gradient Network

Gradient Network is the open layer for edge compute on Solana. Over the past decade, cloud computing has profoundly reshaped the world, consolidating power in the hands of big tech companies. As we approach an AI-driven future, the risk of centralization looms larger. Now is the time to reconsider the trajectory of global compute infrastructure and explore how we can all play a role in building a more open system. Our vision is to make compute inclusive, accessible, and affordable for all. We strongly believe that edge compute will lead the way in this transformation. We've identified AI inference, content delivery, and serverless functions as the verticals with high potential, poised to shape the future of compute consumption. "Gradient " draws inspiration from "Gradient Descent" in machine learning. reflecting our phased approach to realizing the future of ubiquitous compute: Pervasive Connectivity; Homogenized Computation; Adaptive Orchestration. Pervasive connectivity is the cornerstone of our vision towards a decentralized compute infrastructure. By enabling direct communication, we eliminate intermediaries, enhancing system performance/robustness and safeguarding data privacy.

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