Gary Cardone

Gary Cardone is Managing Partner at Card1Ventures, COB at NODE40. I have been lucky and adaptable enough to have become deeply involved in four different very large industries (energy, Realestate, financial services and now web3.0) all during times when each industry was undergoing radical disruption or metamorphosis either due regulatory, economic or technological stresses. This disruption offered me opportunities to build large companies in the midst of such dynamic change and become a critical player in each industry! My mission: 1. be an awesome father, ally, mentor, teacher, 2. remain true to self and others without compromising personal ethics, (personal and corp ethics are identical) 3. Only engage with others of similar ethics, beliefs, and operating basis…stay away from hyper ego centric control freaks who cannot stand for others to shine, 4. Finish the next 2 decades of my life as an exceptional human that helped changed the lives of thousands of entrepreneurs, their families and the trajectory of their overall success in life. Most favorite quotes; ‘Every plan fails at first contact with the Enemy'. “There is a cycle (time) for ever thing” “Life energy is indestructible and infinite” “You are what you think”

Expanding Ecosystems

With over 70+ ecosystems actively growing, they are equally deserving of your attention.