Gafoor Khan

Gafoor Khan is Core Founding Team at ZeroLend and MAHA. Web3 Advisor. I'm your usual neo-marketing guy; I make products grow from 0 to 100,000+ users with minimal marketing spend & maximum output. A brief history about me? I am a programmer turned Growth Hacker. During college, I developed & marketed self-interest projects. That's when I realized I was more inclined towards marketing than programming. Stumbled into crypto in 2018 & there was no going back. What's up with me now? Currently, I am heading the marketing team for one of the most anticipated crypto projects in India, MahaDAO. As one of the core team members at MahaDAO, I handle Marketing, Business Strategy, Biz Dev, Influencer Relations, Analytics, Ops, Community. Basically, everything except for Product & Tech. A believer and proponent of the Lean Marketing methodology, I have successfully implemented pre-launch campaigns, strategic launch & post-launch traction for MahaDAO. Managed to grow MahaDAO from 0 to 50,000+ member strong community on Twitter, Telegram & other social channels & damn, are we proud of our super awesome community. Core competencies include: Business Strategy, Marketing & Content Strategy, Branding & Positioning, Product & Performance Marketing, Team Building & Management, Operations Management, Blockchain, Crypto, & DeFi