Frank DeGods

Frank DeGods is Co-Founder at DeLabs, building DeGods, y00ts and dust labs. He is a founder, visionary artist, and entrepreneur who has significantly impacted the world of NFTs with his two projects on Solana, DeGods, and y00ts. Moreover, Frank’s ambitions have expanded much further than just within the Solana ecosystem. Now, DeGods and y00ts have become multichain endeavors with DeGods leaving Solana in 2023 for Ethereum. Later, DeGods even ventured into Bitcoin as Ordinal Inscriptions. This is all while y00ts found a forever home on Polygon. If Frank didn’t have enough clout already, he is also a co-founder of DeLabs. With his innovative approach and relentless drive to challenge the status quo, Frank has captured the attention and admiration of the Web3 community as a leading pioneer. Furthermore, even though we are currently in the midst of one of the most brutal bear markets ever, Frank’s first project, DeGods, still sits at a staggering floor price of over 9 ETH on OpenSea. Additionally, y00ts currently sits at a cool floor price of above 1.8 ETH. The fact that both projects are holding value while many other projects ‘bleed’ is a massive testament to Frank as a founder and the community he has fostered.

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