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Tower Research
Tower Research
Quantitative Trading and Investment Strategies.
BH Digital
BH Digital
Crypto & Digital Asset Division.
Inception Capital
Inception Capital
Investing in the new digital assets economy with a world-class team.
Magic Ventures
Magic Ventures
Invest in magic internet money.
Alliance DAO
Alliance DAO
Accelerating the best Web3 founders.
Divergence Ventures
Divergence Ventures
Your friendly neighborhood crypto operator fund.
PNYX Ventures
PNYX Ventures
Digital asset management firm specialising in blockchain capital markets.
Early stage investment firm.
Mechanism Capital
Mechanism Capital
Relentless focus on mechanism design.
Wintermute Trading
Wintermute Trading
Global algorithmic trading firm in digital assets.
CMS Holdings
CMS Holdings
Focused on making investments across the cryptoasset ecosystem.
Calvin Liu
Calvin Liu
Chief Strategy Officer at EigenLayer.

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