
Daylight Energy is building the future of energy is reliable, decentralized, and rewarding. Daylight’s ecosystem makes it simple. The electron is the most important commodity of the 21st century. However, as electricity demand surges from AI and electrification, electricity supply is becoming more erratic due to growth in intermittent renewable energy. The result is a fragile, unreliable grid and an unclear path to meeting future energy demand. We need a new approach to meet the boom in demand while ensuring reliability. Distributed energy—solar, storage, and intelligent loads—push energy generation and management to the edges, increasing reliability and cutting trillions in transmission costs. Daylight simplifies these distributed energy upgrades, standardizes access to shared capacity and energy data, and shares all the value back with you.

Expanding Ecosystems

With over 70+ ecosystems actively growing, they are equally deserving of your attention.