Daohaus is a social experiment to test pure democratic governance. The aim is to purchase, manage, and enjoy a single real estate property. The hope is to use this specific scope to expand and grow the idea into governance of a community, and even a nation. Hopefully bringing us closer to a more pure, accountable, and representative government. One that is truly of the people, by the people and for the people. 3 large similarities exist between managing a real estate property, and governing a nation. Namely the creation of rules called laws, the enforcement of those rules, and the management of an escrow account that we all fund through our taxes. Creating the framework for doing those 3 things on a much smaller and simpler scale holds an important advantage which is flexibility. We start small so that we can learn from flaws in the design, build it incrementally, and test our hypothesis as it grows following an Agile mentality. In regards to the larger political dialouge that's occuring in today's society, Daohaus is a proving ground for the advantages of a proposal governance over our current charasmatic representative based system that pulls from 2 major political parties. Up to this point it has been a relatively good way to govern, but one that is now becoming outdated and unnecessary with the maturity of certain technologies such as the internet and blockchain. Geed, corruption and incompetence cannot be solved by purely technical solutions, but our hope is that Daohaus will grow into a tool used to combat such evils. If you'd like to read more of my thoughts on the subject, please see the afterword where I briefly address the implications of this project on our country's financial, policy and enforcement practices. In the same way that the Bauhaus movement was characterized by a minimalist type of design, we also hope to simplify and minimize governance.